Foundry Trade Journal
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Digitalisation has arrived in the foundry industry, writes Gerd Krause, Mediakonzept Düsseldorf. While still standing in the shadow of their sibling sector, the steel industry, foundries have now also realised the potential of digital transformation – driven by the wish to improve the margins of existing business and increasingly by the challenges of decarbonisation. It is first and foremost improved earnings and extension of the service portfolio rather than disruptive new business models that feature on the agenda of foundries. New digitalisation solutions – from the transformation of the blast furnace to the vision of an autonomous steel mill, from digital melting operations to Foundry 4.0 – will be a focal theme at the coming metallurgy trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST held in Düsseldorf from 12th to 16th June 2023.

Seventy-nine per cent of metal casters in the United States have a positive business outlook for the next twelve months, down from a full 90 per cent in June, according to a new survey from the American Foundry Society. This optimism comes despite 87 per cent of respondents saying they expect a recession to hit the US by 2023. The Metalcasters Quarterly Outlook Survey from AFS measures current business conditions for US metal casters and gauges their economic outlook for the next year. The third quarter survey, conducted in the first half of September 2022, found top concerns for metal casters are worker shortages and inflation, followed by component shortages and workforce training. Thirty-eight per cent of responding metal casters said the worker shortage had eased over the past six months, while the rest have seen no improvement. Sixty-one per cent of metal casters expect to increase their company’s head count over the next twelve months, the survey found.

With a highly targeted readership and the largest paid subscription base of any other similar publication Foundry Trade Journal is the leading magazine for the global cast metals industry.
It is published six times a year and contains all the latest developments affecting the cast metals and associated industries.