helps cut scrap and increase profit in every foundry
A 40% reduction in scrap. Collecting and combining data from multiple equipment suppliers. Multi-site, multi-country data monitoring through a single access point. These aren’t theoretical ‘what ifs’. They are real results achieved by foundries using the Monitizer® suite of digital solutions.
Whether you’re a green-sand iron foundry or an aluminium die caster, a global business or a regional specialist, a digital expert or a beginner – you can do the same.
Attend our special webinar to hear customer examples of how this equipment-agnostic, Industry 4.0 solution can help you quickly and easily:
- collect and centralise data from any source or machine
- visualise data to bring people, data and processes together
- analyse data to unlock hidden insights that improve cost and uptime
- intervene with AI-driven prescriptions for full line or cell optimizations
Monitizer® isn’t just a powerful fast, low-risk way to access and understand your data.
Pairing digital and analytics expertise from Norican’s Digital Lab and AI partner DataProphet with decades of real-life foundry knowledge from DISA, StrikoWestofen, Italpresse Gauss and Wheelabrator, Monitizer® enables changes that make a profitable difference.
Register now to discover how Monitizer® is delivering real-world improvements – and how your foundry could benefit.